Two stories about football in the UK.
1. The FA is trying its best to ruin the game.
This particular criticism is about a recent FA decision which seems entirely based on the wrong reasons. A player from Uraguay, being interviewed by a podcaster in Uruguay, made a joke. Everyone knew it was a joke, not a slur, as it mentioned a friend from a team in the English Premier League. Maybe some people were offended and thought that he should have been more careful with his words during this informal interview.
When the player was advised that the joke could be offensive to his friend and his friend's cousins, he was genuinely sorry and apologised, reportedly on the brink of tears that his action may have caused offence. The FA, however, decided that (a) they want to flex their muscles to prove how powerful they are (b) make some money out of this (c) make an example of the player and (d) punish the EPL team for not foreseeing a joke that a player may make on another continent in another language for a non-English-speaking podcast.
The result was £100,000 fine and a seven week ban for the player who, incidentally, is one of the nicest people you could hope to meet.
Yet, another EPL player, from Argentina, has escaped the FA who say it's FIFA's job to punish him. WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? Neither of the footballers were involved in FA matches at the time of their alleged 'crimes'. The FA has exceeded its authority by punishing behaviour outside their perceived mandate.
No doubt FIFA will catch up with both these guys and want their share of the spoils, too.
2. The BBC has appointed the wrong people.
Gary Lineker is leaving MotD and a successor is being appointed. The people's choice (those who fund the BBC with their licence money) is Mark Chapman who was offered a sharing role but who declined because either it's his job or it isn't. Makes you wonder whether Lineker saw this shared role on the cards and decided to quit.
So, listen up, BBC Director of Sports, your job is to provide a service to your viewers, not promote your own agenda. Give Mark Chapman the job he deserves and let the other person have MotD2 - it's not rocket science, is it!
These are my opinions gleaned from a wander round the Internet. I have not personally verified any facts.