I found the following exchange quite funny!
Conversation highlights:
My cousin: "Sold a guitar to a bona fide music legend today. Ladies and gentlemen... Miss Joan Armatrading"
Friend 1: "V cool - what did she buy?"
My cousin: "It was a James Tyler Variax in Lake Placid Blue"
Friend 2: "[name of mutual friend} is impressed ...he can't even think about selling any of his guitars, it causes him too much pain. He has been coveting the one you sold for a while; apparently it's quite good for switching to altered tunings when gigging without having to swap guitars? Did you sell because you weren't impressed with it?"
My cousin: "No, I sold it 'cos I work in a guitar shop"
Friend 3: "Very cool customer..... Did she do you a few verses of "What if god was one of us" while she was there?"
My cousin: "Er no, Joan Osborne might do it if she came in."
Friend 3: "Ahhhhh in that case I've no idea if your customer was cool.... If Ms Osborne ever calls in let me know and I'll have a healthy dose of awe and wonder ready prepared."