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01 November 2013

A Tale of 3 Hot Water Bottles

1. Waking up in the middle of the night, soaking wet, is a bit of a shock. First thought: Did I wet myself? A hot water bottle is very comforting if you live in an old house with draughty windows and no heating but beware of old hot water bottles with perished rubber.

2. How can a hot water bottle be so hot that it sets the curtains on fire? If someone has a mental health problem, this seems quite reasonable to them. Naively, I tried to calm our elderly neighbour, reasoning that the heat would burst the hot water bottle and the water would put out the fire. Next problem: "Flood! We're going to drown..."

3. If you're trying to keep heating costs down, putting a HWB in bed while you get ready to join it is a good idea. However, ensure that you replace the stopper correctly and, just in case, move the bottle and feel the sheet before you leap into bed. Last night, I had to strip the bed and leave the mattress to dry overnight, spending the remaining hours in the spare room. Still tired... Zzzzzzz

1 comment:

  1. When I was a kid, I slept-walked, woke up sitting in wetness on the side of the bed - I thought I was on the loo. Embarrassing!

    Anonymous (obviously!!)


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