The house move, a result of us both being made redundant and having to downsize quickly, was stressful (quart into a pint) and work began immediately on the renovation. Meanwhile, the dog began acting oddly and we knew he wasn't well so we took him to the vet who operated without delay (cancer) and told us 3 days later that he had pulled through and should be able to come home soon. The vet called back a few hours later to say that, unfortunately, our dog had just died.
Our change of address required that we changed our GP and had to undergo check-ups. It transpired that I was 3 months pregnant (a vague memory of celebrating our anniversary with a bit too much to drink) and I hadn't realised because life was so busy and stressful and - hey, I'm 40! Oh, so that's why I'd gone off coffee and was eating lots of avocados (rich in folic acid).
We got over the initial shock and arranged to visit my parents to tell them, came back, then a neighbour brought our dead cat round - he'd been run over.
The father-to-be found a full time job and we had a holiday in Italy. Then the worst news: my dad's 'ulcer' turned out to be aggressive cancer and he was given 3 to 6 months to live. He survived four more months but never saw his lovely and perfect grandson who was born two weeks after the funeral.
Wow, so to recap:
- big birthday,
- big happy anniversary party,
- sold house,
- bought house,
- moved house,
- dog died,
- cat died,
- renovated house,
- decorated house,
- dad died,
- we became parents.
I guess your anticipated bundle of joy got you through that hellish year. The week my friend's dad died, she discovered that she was pregnant (after years of trying) and a few weeks after my cousin gained a wife, he lost his dad. These events frequently happen together, the positives balancing the negatives and helping us to cope.