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30 May 2024

Another post about Books

 I'm currently reading a book about Leonora Carrington

But this part of the post is about a completely different book by Stephen King.

Having watched The Shining and seen excepts from other horror films based on his books (e.g. Carrie and IT), I decided to avoid Stephen King's prolific output... until recently, when I learned that the author also disliked the film.

During a discussion of The Shining with someone who had seen the film and read the book, he covered some of the differences and recommended that I read the sequel, Doctor Sleep, which he lent to me.

I admit to some trepidation during descriptions of the antagonists but the rest of the book more than made up for those. The author has the ability to create fully rounded characters who, during the course of the story, become people whom you 'know' and can imagine being from a neighbouring village (if you ignore that it's set in America). And, all importantly, the ending is more positive than you think!

Conclusion: I might try another Stephen King novel soon, possibly Fairy Tale - another suggestion from my 'book-lender'.

Leonora Carrington.

Update: I have finished reading the book about Leonora Carrington by Joanna Moorhead. Leonora led an interesting life and I found many aspects of her character to be admirable. Although I tried to like her art, examples of her surrealist style are not for me.

The next book I have lined up to read is Leonora Carrington's The Hearing Trumpet

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