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18 May 2024

Legacy of the 2020 Covid Lockdown Era

Some people were deeply affected by Covid and their lives were changed forever. People died. People are still suffering with long covid. People's mental health was impacted. 

It may be a relatively minor thing, such as no longer being in the habit of going out regularly to the theatre or maybe the way our TV viewing habits changed. There were also goodish things as a reault of being isolated; some people took up hobbies - maybe writing a book or learning to paint. 

Personally, I came out of that era as a much 'older' person as a result of a serious medical issue. I became used to not mixing with people to such an extent that I am, still now, virtually a hermit. This makes me a dull person and Old + Dull is not a great combination.That aside, I did return to painting last year, which was something I had become quite good at in my earlier years, exhibiting and selling quite a few. I'm not as good as I used to be but I can see that the results are improving. Looking through social media, it seems that several people have become artists or writers recently; it's good to have a creative outlet.

I still don't go out much and, these days, I seem to tire easily but I have started to think about what I can do to relieve the boredom of my own scintillating company, such as submitting blog posts!


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